future medical technology controlled by ai robot using machine learning 31965 9648

Training Takeaways:

  • Understand the impact of digital transformation on businesses
  • Identify and prioritize digital initiatives that will drive business growth
  • Develop a digital strategy and roadmap
  • Measure the impact and ROI of digital investments
  • Foster a digital-first culture within your organization
  • Implement digital initiatives and manage risks
future medical technology controlled by ai robot using machine learning 31965 9648

Training Takeaways :

  • Understand the impact of digital transformation on businesses
  • Identify and prioritize digital initiatives that will drive business growth
  • Develop a digital strategy and roadmap
  • Measure the impact and ROI of digital investments
  • Foster a digital-first culture within your organization
  • Implement digital initiatives and manage risks

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    Digital Transformation Process
    Digital Transformation Process

    Get Training Booklet !

      Program Contents :

      Session I: Understanding Digital Transformation
      • Introduction to Digital Transformation
      • Innovation and Economics
      • Importance
      • Digital Transformation Facts and Figures
      • Key Statistics
      • Market Analysis
      • Digital Transformation Businesses Trends
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Frameworks
      • McKinsey’s Digital Transformation Framework
      • MIT Digital Transformation Framework
      • AIMultiple Digital Transformation Framework
      • Cognizant’s Digital Transformation Framework
      • Gartner Digital Transformation Framework
      • Tools
      • Technologies
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Exponential Organizations
      • Planning Digital Transformation
      • Culture and People
      • Product and Service Innovation
      • Data Driven Decisions
      • Project and Portfolio Management
      • Steps to Start Digital Transformation Initiatives
      • Tips for a Successful Digital Transformation Journey
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Digital Transformation Impact on
        • Business Strategy
        • Product Development Strategy
        • Management Strategy
        • Marketing Strategy
        • Sales and Distribution Strategy
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Digital Transformation Case Studies
        • H&M
        • IKEA
        • Coca-Cola
        • Kodak
        • Nokia
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Challenges to a Successful Digital Transformation
        • Organizational Culture
        • Lack of IT Resources and Management
        • Lack of Clarity on the Digital Transformation Budget
        • Digital Security
        • Agile Transformation
      • Reasons for Digital Transformation Failures
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Digital Transformation in Banking Industry
      • Digital Transformation in Retail Industry
      • Digital Transformation in Public Sector
      • Digital Transformation in Healthcare Industry
      • Digital Transformation in Education Industry
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Introduction to DX Consulting Project
      • Consulting Project Assignment
      • Peer-to-Peer Project Assessment
      • Milestone I: Diagnosis Review
      • Milestone II: Prescription Review
      • Project Final Submission
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      Session I: Understanding Digital Transformation
      40297981 slide01
      • Introduction to Digital Transformation
      • Innovation and Economics
      • Importance
      • Digital Transformation Facts and Figures
      • Key Statistics
      • Market Analysis
      • Digital Transformation Businesses Trends
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Frameworks
      • McKinsey’s Digital Transformation Framework
      • MIT Digital Transformation Framework
      • AIMultiple Digital Transformation Framework
      • Cognizant’s Digital Transformation Framework
      • Gartner Digital Transformation Framework
      • Tools
      • Technologies
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Exponential Organizations
      • Planning Digital Transformation
      • Culture and People
      • Product and Service Innovation
      • Data Driven Decisions
      • Project and Portfolio Management
      • Steps to Start Digital Transformation Initiatives
      • Tips for a Successful Digital Transformation Journey
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Digital Transformation Impact on
      • Business Strategy
      • Product Development Strategy
      • Management Strategy
      • Marketing Strategy
      • Sales and Distribution Strategy
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Digital Transformation Case Studies
      • H&M
      • IKEA
      • Coca-Cola
      • Kodak
      • Nokia
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Challenges to a Successful Digital Transformation
      • Organizational Culture
      • Lack of IT Resources and Management
      • Lack of Clarity on the Digital Transformation Budget
      • Digital Security
      • Agile Transformation
      • Reasons for Digital Transformation Failures
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • DX in Banking Industry
      • DX in Retail Industry
      • DX in Public Sector
      • DX in Healthcare Industry
      • DX in Education Industry
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      40297981 slide01
      • Introduction to DX Consulting Project
      • Consulting Project Assignment
      • Peer-to-Peer Project Assessment
      • Milestone I: Diagnosis Review
      • Milestone II: Prescription Review
      • Project Final Submission
      • Key Takeaways
      • Let’s Discuss
      Contact Background CPD 3

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